Monitoring visit to pilot-trial of Sown Biodiverse Pasture in Samothraki

Promissing evidences point to the possibility of sucess of sowing Biodiverse Pastures on this Greek insland, under favourable conditions

The pilot-trials of Biodiverse Pastures sown by Terraprima on the Greek island of Samothraki, within the framework of a project led by Marina Fischer-Kowalski, from the Institute of Social Ecology of Vienna, were visited in May by Marjan Jongen, from the University of Lisbon, to monitor species composition and productivity. The management of Sown Biodiverse Pastures is very different to what is traditionally practiced, which has represented a major challenge for the participant local farmers. Nevertheless, results on the establishment of the pastures are very promising, with high richness of the sown species. 

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