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The memorable moments!
The Sown Biodiverse Pastures Project was the national winner of the Energy Globe 2014.
The Sown Biodiverse Pastures Project is the European winner of “A World you like, with a Climate you like” competiton.
Start of  the Shrub Control Project and of the 2nd phase of the Sown Biodiverse Pastures Project, both supported by the Portuguese Carbon Fund.
Start of 1st phase of the Sown Biodiverse Pastures Project, supported by the Portuguese Carbon Fund.
BioPast - An integrated approach to Sown Biodiverse Pastures in collaboration with INIAV and the IPB. Established a procedure for long-term monitoring of pastures in Quinta da França.
Terraprima Ambiental - Creation of a SME from research, development and demonstration work conducted at the Instituto Superior Técnico.
EDP Project - Celebration of a pioneering supply contract for carbon sequestration between Terraprima Agrícola and EDP.
ExtEnSity - Environmental and Sustainability Management Systems in Extensive Agriculture. Project funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Commission, and which ran until 2008.
Sowing of a Sown Biodiverse Pasture demonstration field in Quinta da França, as part of the project BioPast.
Terraprima brand
- Within the framework of the objectives of LANState, lamb and beef start to be sold in the store Horta (Telheiras, Lisbon). The environmental information provided means that consumers were receptive to a price increase to compensate farmers for the costs of the adoption of environmentally sound agricultural production systems. 
LandSTATESustainability of Tourism and Agriculture through Total Consumer Involvement. Project financed by the LIFE Programme of the European Commission, which ran until 2001.
MISART - Integrated Modeling for an Environmental, Rural and Tourism System. Project funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Commission and run until 1997.
Terraprima Agrícola - Creation of the SME from research, development and demonstration work carried out at JUNITEC - Junior Enterprises at the Instituto Superior Técnico.