Cork-oak landscapes, Production and Climate Change Policies


Cork-oak landscapes Landscapes, its Products and Policies of Climate Change.

In this study, Terraprima analyses Cork-oak landscapes from a climate perspective to answer the following questions: 1 - "What are the main challenges from climate change in this Ecosystem?" 2 - “How do Cork-oak landscapes contribute to emissions and carbon sequestration?”.

To discuss forests and climate change, the focus is usually given to the actions of afforestation, carbon sequestration and/or deforestation. Although these are very important issues, the relationship of forests to climate is more complex and requires a more comprehensive analysis of the activities that cause emissions and carbon sequestration and the impacts that climate change itself have on the forests themselves.


This study, conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Fond Français pour l'Environnement Mondial (FFEM), Institut Mediterranean du Liège (IML) and Silva Mediterranea explores the ways in which cork oak interacts with these issues and covers all the countries where cork oak occurs naturally: Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Morroco, Tunisia, Algeria.
Explore and discover
View of the Maamora forest
Plantations in Maamora forest
Young tree testifies the success of plantations in Maamora forest
Young stand in Maamora forest
Cork extracted from the corks of Maamora forest
Paulo Canaveira speaks at the Economics of Climate Change Mitigation Options in the Forest Sector international online conference
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